Wednesday, March 10, 2010

From Kindergarten to JB

Years ago it dawned on me that the old cliche, 'everything I need to know, I learned in Kindergarten', carries a whole lotta truth. It was in that classroom that many of us began creating the foundation of that productive member of society currently known as ourselves. In Kindergarten, we learn about sharing. We learn about taking turns and respecting other people's person and property. We start on the basics of reading, writing and 'rithmetic. We even learn that we need to let our bodies rest from time to time. (Now, why regular naps have disappeared since Kindergarten, I have no clue...But that's a whole 'nother blog all together...) But most importantly, we learn that our teacher is the wisest and most lovely human on the planet. Who doesn't, to this day, love their Kindergarten teacher?

I'm no different. I still love Ms. Wallace. And I'm eternally grateful to her for instilling some of life's most important lessons at such a tender age. But I feel like I've gotta give some credit to another life influence...And that is Mr. James William Buffett.

I can hear the questions now..."Are you really putting a teacher's influence on the same level as Jimmy Buffett's influence?!" The answer is quite simply, no. Absolutely not. Jimmy's influence is much more expansive!!! Ms. Wallace may have taught me how to read, write and share, but Jimmy's taught me geography, literature appreciation, religion...He's seen me through breakups, existential crises, drunken binges...This list might turn out to be as lengthy as his discography. And it is here, on this blog, that I intend to chronicle my life lessons, learned to me by JB.

*1 Come along....Let's have some fun...

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